Hi Folks,
This website is a collage of my writings from the last 40 years. As you can tell, I am eclectic in my interests. More writings and details can also be found at my other websites.
Cleveland Consulting Group, Inc.
I have been writing the Thoughts Series since earlier this year. We have just published Thoughts III. More importantly, there are XI volumes written which is to say, I have spent my Summer developing the stories within Thoughts. It seems this could lead to a total of 15 volumes before it is finished!
Thoughts, Creating the Container aka "Thoughts III" is now available on Amazon in print or for kindle!
"The journey with DocKnow continues as Tom has slowly accepted a much deeper and broader understanding of healing. He encounters more teachers who deepen his understanding that not all seek healing. His journey takes him deep into understanding ceremonial spaces and how presence can shift the sacred space into more expanded capacities and discoveries. Finally, Tom experiences prayer as a form of being that helps him understand how reality is shaped by our thoughts, beliefs, and eventual conscious awareness of the presence of what is present."
The next in the series "Thoughts," Thoughts II is now available on Amazon in print or for kindle!
"The journey continues for Tom as he re-engages with DocKnow and a host of new teachers, each expanding his awareness of the presence of what is present that is mostly ignored in daily life. Tom often is pushed and pulled into these new awarenesses as he goes on a couple of journeys while being nudged by DocKnow and White Horse. In this fast paced story, many spiritual secrets are revealed leaving Tom reeling from each new discovery."
Nearly 30 years ago, I wrote a book called Thoughts, A Beginning. This book is now available on Amazon in print or for kindle!
"Thoughts is a story about how thoughts create our realities. It is a fun and exciting spiritual journey about the awakening process of an individual whose world is turned upside down when he meets this strange person named Doc Know. It is whimsical and piercing in the ponderings evoked as the pages magnetically draw one into a exploration of the inner world that creates the meaning making perceptions of the outer world."